Bring the joy of parenthood with the best Fertility Treatment

Bring the joy of parenthood with the best fertility treatment


Parenthood is a common dream cherished by many. When most people conceive naturally, some people face trouble conceiving who need treatment. For many people, fertility issues go away with stress management, diet changes, and lifestyle modifications. You might see the best infertility doctor at the top IVF centre in Siliguri city.

Let’s understand how varieties of fertility treatments help individuals achieve pregnancy.

Fertility Drugs/Medications

Fertility drugs are used asthe first line of treatment for or in combination with other treatments like IVF. Infertility doctors prescribe fertility drugs to stimulate ovaries.

Many women have ovulation disorders, one of the major factors for trouble conceiving. Such medications stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs instead of one egg. These fertility meds can be used alone or with other infertility treatments like IUI or IVF.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)

ICSI is a part or form of IVF, which helps conceiveif there’s severe male infertility.

In this procedure, experts use and insert a single sperm directly into an egg in order to facilitate fertilization. ICSI has assisted many couples in their journey to parenthood.

This is effective for couples where the male partner has a low sperm count or sperm-related concerns. You can see one of the leading infertility expert at the best IVF centre in Siliguri.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

IUI, also known as artificial insemination, is another effective infertility treatment in whichdoctors place washed and concentrated sperm directly into the uterus.

This treatment takes place around the time of ovulation. IUI can help couples with mild male infertility, cervical mucus issues, and even unexplained infertility.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is a well-known name in the field of infertility treatment, which is more comprehensive. In Vitro Fertilization retrieves eggs and sperm to fertilize them outside the body, in a laboratory (in a Petri Dish).

After fertilization,medical experts carefully transfer embryos into the uterus (embryo implantation). In Vitro Fertilizationis highly effective for couples with blocked fallopian tubes, ovulation disorders, male infertility, or unexplained infertility.

In fertility treatment, some couples and individuals need donor eggs or sperm and surrogacy.

Donor Eggs and Sperm

For couples who have one partner with significant fertility issues, using donor eggs or sperm can be of big help.

Donor eggs can help women with diminished ovarian reserve, severe PCOS, low-quality premature ovarian failure, etc.

For men, donor sperm can help overcome male infertility, like low sperm motility, count, production, size, and movement.


Surrogacy is a process in which a woman (the surrogate or gestational carrier) for another couple or person.

This is beneficial for couples or individualswho cannot carry a pregnancy because of medical reasons.

Not always, the journey towards parenthood through infertility treatment is hassle-free. Keep a realistic approach to infertility treatment outcomes and discuss with your doctors only regarding risks, chances, costs, etc. Talk to the best infertility specialists at the top IVF center in Siliguri.

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